The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (482) enables skilled workers to live and work in Australia to fill labour shortages where skilled workers are needed.


Eligibility requirements:


  • If you are in Australia when you apply, you must already be holding a substantive visa
  • If you are outside of Australia, you must apply for this visa before entering Australia
  • You must be nominated by and work for an Australian Government approved employer
  • You must have been working in the relevant sector for a minimum of 2 years
  • You must meet the health and character and language requirements
  • You will also need health insurance for your period of stay in Australia.


The contracted position which you apply for must be genuine, meaning that you cannot pay to be nominated for this visa, and you must be applying for a role with genuine responsibilities and wages.

The Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (186) enables nominated employees, who are working in Australia to apply for Permanent Residency. Once you receive Permanent Residency you are able to live and work in Australia indefinitely.


There are three streams for this visa: Direct entry stream, Labour agreement stream, or Temporary Residence Transition stream. Each stream has its own requirements.


Eligibility requirements:

  • All streams require that applicants be nominated by an employer
  • You must be under 45 years for this visa
  • You must have competent English language skills
  • You must meet the health and character requirements
  • If applicable to your occupation, you must be licenced by, approved by, or be a member of the relevant professional body for your occupation.

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa (187) enables eligible employers to nominate employees in Regional Australia to live and work in Australia permanently.


Eligibility requirements:


  • You must currently be on a relevant visa, such as
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (482)
  • Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (457)
  • Bridging Visas A, B, or C
  • You must be nominated by your employer
  • You must be between 18 and 45 years for this visa
  • You must have competent English language skills
  • You must meet the health and character requirements
  • If applicable to your occupation, you must be licenced by, approved by, or be a member of the relevant professional body for your occupation.

The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (491) enables skilled workers to live and work in Regional Australia. You may be sponsored by a family member or be nominated by a state or territory government.


Eligibility requirements:

  • You must be invited by the Australian government to apply for this visa
  • Your skilled occupation must also be on the Skilled Occupation List
  • Once invited to apply, you must be between 18 and 45 years for this visa
  • You must also have competent English language skills
  • You must score greater than 65 points in a skills test
  • You must meet the health and character requirements
  • If applicable to your occupation, you must be licenced by, approved by, or be a member of the relevant professional body for your occupation
  • You can be inside or outside of Australia when you apply for this visa.

The Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (494) enables eligible employers to sponsor employees to move to Australia, to live, work and study in Regional Australia for a period of up to 5 years.


Eligibility requirements:

  • You must be over 18 and under 45 for this visa
  • You must be sponsored by an eligible employer or be employed under a relevant labour agreement
  • You must also have competent English language skills
  • You must meet the health and character requirements
  • You must have at least 3 years’ experience in your relevant field of work
  • You can be inside or outside of Australia when you apply for this visa.
  • The Temporary Graduate Visa (485) enables recent graduates of university degrees to live and work in Australia for up to 4 or 5 years
  • There are 3 separate streams for this visa. The following streams are available to applicants: Graduate Work stream, Post-Study Work stream, and Second Post-Study Work stream. Each stream has its own eligibility criteria.
  • The Skilled Independent Visa (189) allows invited persons to apply for a skilled worker visa without a nominating employer or sponsor. This visa lets you live, work and study in Australia
  • There are 3 streams under this visa. The 3 streams are Points Tested stream, New Zealand stream, and Hong Kong stream. Each stream has its own eligibility criteria.

The Skilled Nomination Visa (190) is aimed at skilled workers with occupations which the Australian workforce needs.


Eligibility requirements:


  • You must be invited by the Australian government to apply for this visa
  • You must then be nominated by a relevant government department or agency who review profiles from the Expression of Interest stage
  • Your skilled occupation must also be on the Skilled Occupation List
  • You must be under 45 years old when you apply for this visa
  • You must also have competent English language skills
  • You must score greater than 65 points on a skills test
  • You must meet the health and character requirements
  • You can be inside or outside of Australia when you apply for this visa.

The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa (188) enables people with significant business skills, or entrepreneurial ideals to live, work and study in Australia for up to 5 years. Some streams may allow recipients to live in Australia for up to 8 years.


There are several streams under this visa, with each stream having its own criteria. These are:

  • Business Innovation stream
  • Investor stream
  • Significant Investor stream
  • Business Innovation Extension stream
  • Significant Investor Extension stream
  • Premium Investor stream
  • Entrepreneur stream

The Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) Visa (888) enables holders of eligible provisional visas to apply for and gain Permanent Residency.

This visa has the following streams, each of which has its own investment criteria:

  • Business Innovation stream
  • Investor stream
  • Significant Investor stream
  • Premium Investor stream
  • Entrepreneur stream

The Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (489) enables eligible applicants to live and work in Regional Australia for a period of up to 4 years.

There are three pathways for this visa. The pathways are Invited pathway, Extended Stay pathway, and Subsequent Entrant pathway. Each pathway has its own eligibility criteria.

The Skilled Regional (Permanent) Visa (887) allows you to live in Australia permanently after living in a regional area of Australia for a minimum of 2 years.

At the time of applying for this visa, you must be holding one of the following visas:

  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (489)
  • Skilled Independent Regional Visa (495)
  • Skilled Designated Area Sponsored Provisional Visa (496)
  • Skilled Regional Sponsored Visa (475)
  • Skilled Regional Sponsored Visa (487)
  • Bridging Visa A or B may also apply, if connected to one of the visas above.

The following also applies:

  • You must have also lived in Regional Australia, or a designated area, for at least two years prior to applying for this visa.
  • You must have worked full time (35 hours, or more) per week for the last 12 months before applying for this visa.
  • You must have functional English language skills.
  • You must continue to meet the health and character requirements.

The Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa (476) enables eligible engineering graduates to live, work in Australia for up to 18 months.

Eligibility requirements:

  • To be eligible for this visa, you must have graduated with an accredited degree, or higher, within the last 2 years, in one of the following engineering disciplines:
  1. Civil Engineering  
  2. Structural Engineering  
  3. Chemical Engineering  
  4. Environmental Engineering  
  5. Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
  6. Mechanical, Production and Plant Engineering  
  7. Mining and Material Engineering  
  • You must be under 31 years old.
  • You must have not previously held this visa, or the Temporary Graduate Visa (485).
  • You must meet the health and character requirements.
  • You must be proficient in English or hold a passport from the following countries: New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, or the United States.
  • You can be inside or outside of Australia when you apply for this visa.
  • The Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa 191 will enable eligible visa holders, to become Permanent Residents.
  • This visa will open for application on 16 November 2022. The visa will have 2 streams. There is the Regional Provisional stream, and Hong Kong stream. Each have separate key eligibility requirements, and have not been fully detailed by the Government yet.

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