Atlantic Pilot Program

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Atlantic Pilot Program

Atlantic Canada comprises of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a piece of the Atlantic Growth Strategy, an activity to switch the present demography inclines and develop the economy of this district considerably. 


The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is an employee-driven program. Atlantic employers, (for example, organizations, not-for-benefits, and governments) may apply to turn into an assigned manager and extend employment opportunities to talented foreign workers or recent international graduates.


For each employment offer, businesses must show they haven’t had the option to fill that activity with a local worker. However, they needn’t bother with a LMIA. The employment proposition must be embraced by the provincial government. After the support, the up-and-comer can apply for permanent residency. After endorsement, the applicant can live and work in Canada.


The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is accessible in three modalities: 

Every methodology has its own instructive and work experience necessities. The occupations should principally be in the administration, expert or specialized/skilled territories. The base span of the employment proposition additionally fluctuates per classification.


Candidates may likewise be eligible to apply for a brief work permit before applying for permanent residency. This permit lets the applicant start work while their permanent residency application is being prepared. The applicant must apply for their permanent residency inside 90 days of sending the temporary work permit application.

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